CashVue | Internship Notes

Front End Web Developer Intern | Seattle, WA | May 2015 - June 2015


CashVue is a startup developing online accounting software.

As a Front End Web Developer Intern, I learned Angular JS my first few days, then quickly dove into projects, where I developed:

  1. 1. Dynamic User Settings Page
  2. 2. Schedule Repeater Form
  3. 3. Data Visualizations

Tools Used

  • HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Flat UI Pro
  • Javascript, JQuery, Angular JS
  • API Integration

User Setting Page

This page allowed users to add or delete users, or edit a user's information. All add/delete/edit functions interacts with CashVue's API for users. Interactions are validated, such as valid emails or changing permission roles.

users settings page

Schedule Repeater

This form was to be implemented in an 'online excel' sheet to repeat events. However, this soon got replaced by some open sourced project that does the same thing, but better.

schedule repeater

Data Visiualizations

Program data visulizations using Baidu's Echarts . These visulizations represent cash flow between periods of time.

Echarts screenshot